Wind and Weather Window Gallery, Reykjavík
/ INSIDE // WWW Gallery
Show Runs May 4th - May 22, 2018
Geysir Heima at Gallery Kjallariin, Skólavögurstíg 12, 101 Reykjavík.
“Inside”, in collaboration with Geysir Heima ́s exhibition space, Kjallarinn Gallery, brings you a special, intimate look behind the glass of the Wind and Weather Window Gallery in their five year anniversary show.
The anniversary exhibition brings you literally ́inside ́, in celebration of the community WWWG has built since its opening.
“Inside” is a cumulative exhibition of the artists WWWG has brought forth to the public throughout its history. The twenty exhibited artists include Amy Tavern Anna Hallin, Olga Begmann, Anne Rombach, Ásdís Sif Gunnarsdottir, Auður Ómarsdóttir, Christopher Hickey, Claudia Hausfeld, David Zehla, Davíð Örn Halldósson, Eygló Harðardóttir, Guðrún Benóynýsdóttir, Halldór Ragnarsson, Kathy Clark, Katrin Inga Jónsdóttir Hjördísardóttir, Ragnhildur Jóhnanns, Rakel Gunnarsdóttir, Rebecca Erin Moran, Serge Comte, Myrra Leifsdóttir, Sigga Björg Sigurðardóttir, and Úlfur Karlsson. The selected artists present an amalgam of work ranging from oil on canvas, wax sculpture, ink relief prints, video work, and photographic collage, in a representative imagery of the journey Wind and Weather Window Gallery has taken to its present. An eclectic mix of international and national talent that celebrates the WWWG and its five years of uniquely site specific art installation and performance. Each piece speaks to the other, their common element of site specificity connecting them in the intimate exhibition space of Kjallarinn Gallery.
The galleries stays open all year round 24/7. Vedur og Vindur / Wind and Weather Window Gallery Hverfisgata 37, 101 Reykjavík Iceland. Directed by Kathy Clark.